Carolina Rossini

Carolina Rossini

Public Knowledg

I have more than 13 years of experience in international law, contractual transactions and policy, with a specific focus on access to information, internet, telecom, intellectual property and human rights. In May 2014 I will be joining Public Knowledge, where I will lead PK’s international work. I am an international associate at Global Partners Digital Associate, supporting GPD’s work in the US and Latin America and a research advisor for the The Global Commission on Internet Governance. I seat at the advisory board of Open Knowledge Foundation for both the OKF central and Brazil chapter, and of Saylor Foundation in the USA. I consider myself a strong advocate for open access to research, open data in government and science and open educational resources. I have founded and lead the Open Educational Resources Project in Brazil, with concrete legislative and policy change results already in place and grants from the Open Society Foundation. Previously, I was a Project Director at New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute, the International Intellectual Property Director at Electronic Frontiers Foundation (EFF), a fellow at the Berkman Center at Harvard University, and I have consulted for organizations like Wikimedia Foundation, SPARC/ARL, Freedom House, Ford Foundation, UNESCO, USAID, ALADI, UNDP and more. I am a Brazilian lawyer and before moving to the US, about 7 years ago, I worked at the Center for Technology and Society at FGV-Rio and as a in-house counsel for Telefonica’s ISP in Brazil, Terra Networks. I have a LL.M. on IP from Boston University (US), an MBA from Instituto de Empresas (Spain), an MA in International Economic Negotiations from UNICAMP/UNESP (Brazil), and a JD from USP (Brazil).

Sobre a ANID

A Associação Nacional para Inclusão Digital (ANID) é uma organização não governamental, sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 2007. É formada por pessoas empenhadas em promover os direitos à inclusão digital e social no Brasil através do acesso à Internet, seja em localidades remotas do país, seja nas periferias das grandes cidades. Para isso, também são desenvolvemos são cursos, seminários, encontros, feiras, debates e pesquisa, viabilizando e promovendo o conhecimento e a atualização tecnológica. Visite nosso SITE

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